How to retrieve data from Web3.Storage

In this how-to guide, you'll learn several methods for retrieving data from Web3.Storage.

All data stored using Web3.Storage is made available for retrieval via IPFS, the InterPlanetary File System. IPFS is a distributed, peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing content-addressed data. This guide shows you several ways to retrieve your data from IPFS:

Using an IPFS HTTP gateway

You can easily fetch any data stored using Web3.Storage using an IPFS HTTP gateway. Because IPFS is a peer-to-peer, decentralized network, you can use any public HTTP gateway to fetch your data. In this guide, we'll use the gateway at (the public gateway we run that can be up to 10x faster than other public gateways), but you can see more worldwide gateways on the IPFS Public Gateway Checker.

When you store data using the Web3.Storage client, the put method returns an IPFS content identifier (CID) string. That CID points to an IPFS directory that contains all the files you passed in using the put method.

You can use an IPFS gateway to view a list of all the files in that directory from your browser. To do so, simply create a gateway URL. For example, if your CID is bafybeidd2gyhagleh47qeg77xqndy2qy3yzn4vkxmk775bg2t5lpuy7pcu, you can make a URL for the gateway as follows: Follow that link, and you'll see a page similar to this:

Screenshot of an IPFS gateway directory listing

If you want to link directly to a file within that directory, just add the file path after the CID portion of the link. For example: could be used as a shareable link for your new favorite wallpaper.

You can easily fetch any data stored using Web3.Storage using an IPFS HTTP gateway. Because IPFS is a peer-to-peer, decentralized network, you can use any public HTTP gateway to fetch your data. In this guide, we'll use the gateway at, but you can see more worldwide gateways on the IPFS Public Gateway Checker.

When you store data using the Web3.Storage client, the put method returns an IPFS content identifier (CID) string. That CID points to an IPFS directory that contains all the files you passed in using the put method.

You can use an IPFS gateway to view a list of all the files in that directory from your browser. To do so, simply create a gateway URL. For example, if your CID is bafybeidd2gyhagleh47qeg77xqndy2qy3yzn4vkxmk775bg2t5lpuy7pcu, you can make a URL for the gateway as follows: Follow that link, and you'll see a page similar to this:

Screenshot of an IPFS gateway directory listing

If you want to link directly to a file within that directory, just add the file path after the CID portion of the link. For example: could be used as a shareable link for your new favorite wallpaper.


Your Files page on Web3.Storage includes IPFS gateway links to all the content you've uploaded, so if you're looking to link to one of your own files, you don't even have to create a gateway URL.

Setting the filename for downloads via gateways

When downloading files from an HTTP gateway, web browsers will set the default filename for the downloaded file based on the path component of the gateway link. For example, if you use your browser's "Save link as..." feature on the following link, it should prompt you to save a file named treehouse.jpeg:

In the link above, the CID bafybeicfnbaeigdtklwkrj35r4wtfppix732zromsadvgiu33mowah74yq points to an IPFS directory listing, which maps from the filename treehouse.jpeg to the CID for the image itself.

Since the Web3.Storage client wraps your uploaded files in a directory by default, this is the most common kind of gateway link you're likely to need, and your users should get nice filenames when they download their content.

However, the behavior is a bit different if you make a gateway link directly to the image CID:

Both of the URLs above link directly to the CID of the image, without an associated filename. The first URL uses the recommended "subdomain" URL format for gateway links, while the second form uses a "path prefix" format that you may see in use elsewhere in the IPFS ecosystem.

Depending on which style of link you use, your browser will prompt you to save a file with a generic name like download, or with the CID as the filename.

If you have such a link, you can override the default filename by adding a query string parameter to your link of the form ?filename=<desired-filename>. For example, the following link will save as treehouse.jpeg, even though it links directly to the image by CID:

Using the client libraries

Please note: retrieval using the client libraries is currently not as reliable as we'd like. We're working on a permanent fix to greatly improve this situation. In the meantime, if you experience errors trying to fetch data using a client library, please try using an HTTP gateway like w3link or the ipfs command line tool.

The Web3.Storage JavaScript client provides a get method that allows you to retrieve any IPFS content using that content's content identifier (CID).

First, you'll need to create a Web3.Storage client using your API token. Getting an API token is free, but you'll need a free Web3.Storage account. If you already have an account and a token, read on. If not, have a look at the quickstart guide to get up and running in just a few minutes.

First you'll need to add the package to your project's dependencies:

npm install

Use the following code to create a Web3.Storage client:

import { Web3Storage } from ''

function getAccessToken () {
  // If you're just testing, you can paste in a token
  // and uncomment the following line:
  // return 'paste-your-token-here'

  // In a real app, it's better to read an access token from an
  // environement variable or other configuration that's kept outside of
  // your code base. For this to work, you need to set the
  // WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN environment variable before you run your code.
  return process.env.WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN

function makeStorageClient () {
  return new Web3Storage({ token: getAccessToken() })

Once you have a client, you can call client.get, passing in a CID string:

async function retrieve (cid) {
  const client = makeStorageClient()
  const res = await client.get(cid)
  console.log(`Got a response! [${res.status}] ${res.statusText}`)
  if (!res.ok) {
    throw new Error(`failed to get ${cid}`)

  // request succeeded! do something with the response object here...

The Web3Response object

The get method returns a Web3Response object. This object extends the Response object from the Web Fetch API with two methods that provide access to the retrieved IPFS data: files and unixFsIterator().

The files method returns an array of Web3File objects, which represent all files contained in the content archive identified by the given CID. A Web3File is just like a regular Web File object, with the addition of path and cid properties. These contain the relative path of the file within the archive and the CID of the file, respectively.

Here's the example from above, now with the code to unpack and inspect the files in the response:

async function retrieveFiles (cid) {
  const client = makeStorageClient()
  const res = await client.get(cid)
  console.log(`Got a response! [${res.status}] ${res.statusText}`)
  if (!res.ok) {
    throw new Error(`failed to get ${cid} - [${res.status}] ${res.statusText}`)

  // unpack File objects from the response
  const files = await res.files()
  for (const file of files) {
    console.log(`${file.cid} -- ${file.path} -- ${file.size}`)

Another option is to use the array of unixFs objects provided by the unixFsIterator() method to iterate through your files. While in the vast majority of cases you'll want to use the files() method outlined above, existing IPFS users may prefer interacting with unixFs objects if they have existing code or tooling that supports it. For more details, see the JavaScript client library reference.

Using the IPFS command line

If you have the IPFS command line interface installed, you can use it directly to fetch data without going through a gateway. This also works if you've installed IPFS Desktop, which includes the IPFS CLI.

To get the whole bundle and save it to a directory, run the following command:

ipfs get bafybeidd2gyhagleh47qeg77xqndy2qy3yzn4vkxmk775bg2t5lpuy7pcu

If you want to get a specific file out of the bundle, add its name onto the end of the ipfs get bafybie... command:

ipfs get bafybeidd2gyhagleh47qeg77xqndy2qy3yzn4vkxmk775bg2t5lpuy7pcu/youareanonsense.jpg

Using curl or Powershell

Sometimes you may need to just download a specific file to your computer using the command line. Unix-based operating systems, like Linux and macOS, can use curl. Windows users can use Powershell.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Use curl to download your file:

    curl https://<YOUR CID><FILE NAME> -o ~/<OUTPUT FILE>

    Replace <YOUR CID>, <FILE NAME>, and <OUTPUT FILE> with their respective values.

    | Variable | Replace with | Example | | --- | --- | --- | | <YOUR CID> | The CID of the file you want to download. | bafybeie2bjap32zi2yqh5jmpve5njwulnkualcbiszvwfu36jzjyqskceq | | <FILE NAME> | The name of the file that you originally uploaded to Web3.Storage. | example.txt | | <OUTPUT FILE> | The path and filename that you want curl to save the file to. This can be different to <FILE NAME>. | Desktop/output-file.txt |

    Your complete command should look something like this:

    curl -o ~/output-file.txt

Next steps

If you haven't yet explored in depth how to store data using Web3.Storage, check out the storage how-to guide for a deep dive on how to upload files using the JavaScript client library.

You can also use the client library to get more information about the status of your data. See the query how-to guide to learn how to get more details about your data, including the status of any Filecoin storage deals.

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